Wednesday, December 7, 2016

G-money at 4 years

Age: 4 years

Stats: 39.5" tall (25-50th%) and 36 lbs (50th %)

Clothes: 4T. He has gone 4 years without being opinionated, or even noticing his clothes. Now he wants to wear blue jeans "like Daddy" every single day. Cannot get him in any other pants. And his "choo-choo" shirt is his very favorite... which I apparently don't have a picture of.


Favorite Foods: He definitely gets most excited about pizza, cheese crackers, and "Daddy sandwiches." (turkey and cheese)  ;) And cupcakes 4 lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. He's a really great eater overall. Major progress with SALADS lately!!! LOVES to help me cook.

Words: He talks nonstop. He asks 4501701933923 questions a day and gives commentary for everything that is happening and everything that he's thinking. My curious little monkey.

Activities: The usual, not much has changed. Mops, Kroger, Children's Museum, gardens, library, parks, backyard play, Nature Center.

Favorite friends: Elodie & Lewis, Chet, Cori, Chapman, Liam, Charlotte & Jonathan... And Owen of course. ;)

Favorite Things: 
- Music. As a tiny baby, he would respond to music. I remember specific times when he would be crying, and Andrew would snuggle him close and sing hymns to him, and he would stop crying. Ever since, we have noted his love of music. Lately he loves to jam out on his air guitar all day every day. He also studies the worship leaders at church each week and comes home and reenacts "worshiping Jesus," standing in front of the fireplace and singing, playing his guitar, and praying. Adorable.  He got a guitar from Andrew's mom for his birthday, which of course was the best present ever for him!! I literally will be so shocked if he doesn't do something musical one day.

- Teddy. My stepbrother and his wife sent this Teddy to the hospital the day Graham was born, and it has not left his side since. ;) Sweet thing is so well-loved, he's starting to fall apart. But Graham doesn't notice and literally takes him EVERYWHERE. He's pretty skilled at playing everything he wants to with Teddy tucked under his arm somehow. Presh. Gotta admit, I'll be pretty sad when this stage is over.

- Books. Kid LOVES to read and has memorized a ton of his favorite books. Current faves: Backhoe Joe, Pancakes Pancakes, Jesse Bear, Owl Moon, Toot and Puddle, Corduroy, Truck Stuck, any Pigeon/ Piggie and Gerald books.

- Board games. We introduced Candyland and The Hungry Caterpillar Game to him months ago and he's still obsessed. Either Andrew or I play them with him almost every day, and he still plays Candyland by himself during room time most days, always telling me the details of what happened. ;) We both love games, and I always tell Andrew I'm training up some future Cataan players for him, since I refuse to play. Haha.

- His DADDY!!!! Absolutely obsessed with Andrew these days. He lives for Andrew to take him out back to work in the garage, a trip to the tool shop, hang out and jam on his guitar, anything with Daddy is his favorite!! So presh.  

- Being outside. Always.

Siblings: He and Owen are definite "frenemies," mostly because they hate to share toys, but Graham is overall really kind and thoughtful to Owen. G will bring him a toy every day when he wakes up from naps, has learned to include him in decision-making (like which exhibit we go to next at the Children's Museum ;), and will encourage and cheer for him when he does big-boy things (sitting on the potty, unzipping his jacket, etc.). They love to chase each other on their cars they ride around in circles in our house, read books together- getting "cozy" on the couch with me, and giggle together first thing in the morning and last thing at night. This is my favorite noise. The last few days, they have been shouting "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! HEY!" and then dying laughing when they first wake up. Hahaha.


It was love at first sight with Graham and Audrey. He is still completely precious with her, calling her "pretty-face" and "little one" and "baby girl."  He gets so excited about each of her milestones, squealing and cheering over her getting teeth, eating food, sitting up, crawling. He adores her, and the feeling is definitely mutual. (Heart bursting.)

Mom's Proudest Moment: He's continued to grow in kindness and thoughtfulness and encouragement. It blows my mind sometimes. He reminds me to get the Ergo before we go places, tells me I look pretty when I put on makeup for church (haha), and gives the best morning snuggles. He's the same way with Owen and Audrey too. I absolutely adore this kid, and the boy he's becoming. He's also been so brave and great about moving to the top bunk on his birthday! Love seeing him grow in courage. We've started doing family Bible reading in the mornings too, and the other day I asked him what he read (he just looks at pictures in his Jesus Storybook Bible while Andrew and I read silently to ourselves), and he said "That I'm the apple of God's eye and Jesus is King!" THE BEST.

Dad's Proudest Moment: (I keep forgetting to ask him!)

Happy 4th Birthday sweet Buddy. We absolutely adore you.

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