Monday, January 9, 2017

Audrey Katherine at 9 months

Weight:  ??

Clothing size: All 12 month pajamas now, and some 9 month /some 12 month clothes... It feels like she's been in 9 month clothes forever, so I'm ready for her new wardrobe!! Haha.

Diaper size: Cloth baby. We did use disposable while traveling, and she is in size 3 diapers- which is what Owen wore too. What?!!!!

Feeding: Basically the same as last time...
Nursing around 6:30am, 10.00am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm, 10pm. Can't seem to get rid of that stinkin dream feed.
She's also more of a challenge to nurse these days... If she's not interested, she pushes me away pretty agressively (ha), but even when she is hungry, she's super squirmy and looking around and super distracted all the time. If her big brothers are in the room making noise, there's little chance she's getting anything. Makes me a little nervous my milk supply will be dropping, but because of all this, I think she is eating more solids!! Seems crazy that I'm a few months away from weaning her.
She's tried these solids so far: tons of pureed veggies and fruits, little bits of cheese, scrambled eggs, yogurt, plus Cheerios a few days ago. She's a really great eater so far, and her only dislikes seem to be cold things!
Sitting in the high chair and workin that sippy cup!!

Sleeping: Still doing two naps a day, but they are short. Averaging 30-minute morning nap, and 1 hour afternoon nap. Ugh. She seems happy and fine though, until around dinner, where she seems so tired she loses her mind. So she's been going to bed around 5.30pm most nights this month!!! I dream feed her when I go to bed around 10, and then she sleeps til around 6/7am ish.

Milestones: Still army crawling- hasn't figured out how to get her belly up. She says "mama" all the time now and I melt!!!!! Clapping. 3rd tooth popped through- on the bottom.

Likes: Her brothers!!!!! Super animated faces and voices. Being held. Having a conversation. ;) Being tickled, thrown in the air, surprised.
With her sheep & shepherd brothers for Christmas Eve service.

Dislikes: Naps. Traveling. Not being held. She's started to cry some when I leave the room lately too. :(

Adventures: First Christmas. First New Year's Eve.

Christmas Eve service
Christmas morning story of Jesus's birth


New Year's Eve... she made it til about 6pm ;)

What we couldn't live without: Ergo 4 lifeeeeeeeeeee.
Best part of parenting this age: Same as last month-I don't know how, but I love her more every day. She is SO, SO sweet. SUCH a great age!!!
I always say this, but I SO SO SO SO hope she's a Daddy's girl

Hardest part of parenting this age: Always- meeting the needs of 3 littles 24/7 is challenging. But worth it. Love my babes.
Baby's 1st Christmas. Alllllllllll the heart eyes.

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