Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Audrey at 1 YEAR!!!

Weight: She has her checkup in a few days.

Height: Same.

Clothing size: 12 months.
Cloth diaper booty in leggings is the bestttttttt. ;)

Diaper size: Cloth all day every day.

Feeding: Nursing 3 times/ day now. First thing in the morning, before afternoon nap, and before bedtime. I can tell she's taking less and less from me, as she eats more solids. I'm guessing we'll be completely done in a few weeks. FREEDOMMMMMMMMM!
ORANGES are by far her absolute favorite, along with frozen blueberries, broccoli (what?!), and as of tonight- baked ziti! She screams and kicks her feet to get more of all of these!
Devouring her first taste of baked ziti.

Sleeping: She boycotted her morning nap completely for a week straight, but has been doing about 30 minutes again the past few days, plus afternoon nap of about an hour. Sleeping roughly 6pm-6.30am.

Milestones: She finally got her top 2 teeth a few days ago. Going from crawling to sitting to crawling. Letting go with one hand while standing. "Talking" with a lot more sounds.

Likes: Music- she claps and smiles and is so cute!! Being outside. Destroying train tracks built by her brothers. ;) Playing with shoes-- she bypasses tons of toys anytime there are shoes in sight!!

Dislikes: Anyone holding her except Mommy... which makes it really hard sometimes, but is also really sweet. Getting her diaper changed.

Adventures: First St. Patty's Day. First birthday. Lots of family visiting.

What we couldn't live without: Bows! ;) Her hair is down past her nose, so she seriously needs one every day... And I'm loving making them lately!!

Best part of parenting this age: I am devastated that she's not a baby anymore, but it is so exciting to see who she's becoming. And always a relief to make it through the first year, and that she can now survive without my milk. ;)

Hardest part of parenting this age: I think just the acknowledgement that BABIES DON'T KEEP. I can't press pause or slow down this stage of life. She's seriously the sweetest baby, and I so wish I could keep her like this forever. Audrey, we adore you with our whole hearts.

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