Friday, November 3, 2017

20 weeks with Baby4!!!

20 weeks! Didn't realize the bad lighting. 🙄🤦‍♀️

18 weeks- better lighting!

Here we are (over) HALFWAY through this pregnancy, and I'm just remembering to write a post. I feel like I don't have time or energy for very much right now besides surviving the day with 3 littles and growing this baby. Buttttttttt this is a precious time, and I want to remember it. So here we go...

Pregnancy highlights so far...
1. Andrew being my rock through all the hormones and emotions that come with being pregnant with 3 littles already consuming my everything. I was SUCH a mess the first trimester, but I've never seen Andrew stronger for me, trusting that God's gift of life is always good, and somehow passing that onto me as I battled all-day nausea and extreme fatigue and crazy hormones and all the super fun first trimester stuff.🙄 But seriously, he's been the best!

2. The boys' reactions. When we told them, Graham's response was "wow, Mama, your belly's going to get so big you won't be able to drive the minivan!" 😂 Owen didn't really react at first, but a few minutes later came over and asked me if he could feel the baby.😍 And he asks every few days if the baby's still in there. Audrey's oblivious, of course, but I love sharing this pregnancy with the boys!!

3. When we went to the first ultrasound, I was farther along than they thought, so the baby was bigger than we've ever seen at the first appt, and seeing that sweet peanut wave and kick and wiggle was a moment I'll never forget. Never ever ever EVER gets old. Allllllllllllllllllllllll the feels.

4. I didn't feel this one kick until 19 weeks- which I think is the latest I've ever felt one kick! Especially with the fourth, when I'm all stretched out and know what it feels like, it made me incredibly nervous that something was wrong. The 20 week ultrasound tech explained that my placenta is in "front" this time, between my belly and the baby, like extra padding, so it makes it harder to feel the kicks. But now I'm feeling them every day, which is so reassuring!!

5. We decided to have another surprise gender this time! I really loved knowing the boys' gender, and yet also really loved Audrey's surprise, so I was really 50/50 for this time. Andrew was leaning more towards a surprise, so we just went with that! Graham has been guessing BOY, and Owen has been saying GIRL!

6. I was super anxious about our 20 week ultrasound, just convinced something was really wrong with the baby (for no good reason), but the doctor said everything looks great!!!  #doxology

Sweet little peanut :)

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