Thursday, June 6, 2013

Graham Baby's Summer Bucket List!

What our way-too-cold-for-this-Southern-girl spring looked like:

What I want our summer to look like:

Graham has been telling me he has lots of big plans for this summer, so I thought I'd write them all down for him in one place. Introducing Graham's summer bucket list...

I don't know if you can really see it, but little Graham is making progress already, checking off items like "Splash in the pool," "Ride the carousel at the Children's Museum," and "Be cute." Just realized you can click on the pic to make it bigger! :)
Anyway, other items include... 
  • Learn to sit up all by myself
  • Make new friends
  • Go on a picnic
  • Ride my stroller around the Canal downtown
  • Win staring contests
  • Meet Mommy's friends in Memphis (!!!!!!)
  • Smile for the camera
  • Try new foods from the Farmer's Market
And lots of other fun things! He should have probably included something like "Nap enough for Mommy to finish her summer bucket list!" Luckily several of ours line up. :)

Checked off one today-
Playing on a playground for the first time with fun friends.
He loved the swing!

We are ready to dominate this summer!!! Bring on the sunshine!!

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