Monday, June 10, 2013

The Grahaminator at 7 months!

Those chubby cheeks still refuse to smile for the camera!!
But check out that belly!! :)

Weight: 17 lbs, 4 oz!!! He made it to the 25% this time, and we are officially operating as a normal baby now! No more weigh-ins, just normal checkups every few months like every other baby. No extra calories snuck in his bottle. No stressing out over every feeding. NORMAL. Whew.

Height: 26.5" (25% also)

Clothing size: 6 months.

Diaper size: Cloth, but size 2.

Feeding: All formula, all the time. Letting go of the mommy guilt and LOVING the freedom of this! He's also started solid foods, and has learned to like sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, etc. His favorite so far is pears. He puts them away and begs for more every time. 

He HATED the spoon and sweet potatoes the first try... and second... and third. :)

Sleeping: Finally pushed bedtime to 8pm, and naps 3 times a day. He also likes sleeping on his tummy now, which is pretty cute.

Milestones: Solid foods! Sitting up by himself. Getting some blonde hair in! First tooth!
Practicing sitting up.

Likes: Snuggling. He still wants to be held ALL THE TIME. My back doesn't love it, but I kind of do, knowing it will not be like this for much longer. MOVING. He is such a wiggle worm lately!! Blowing bubbles and making noises with his mouth. Being outside!! Being sung to. He's always liked it, but it is amazing lately how this calms him down when he's fussy.

Exersaucer on the front porch!

Dislikes: Not being held. Missing naps.

Adventures: First road trip to TN! Sleepover with cousin Kaleigh. Children's Museum. Pool! Pretzel shop. Library storytime.

Already acting like family. :)

Biggest Children's Museum in the country and his favorite is gazing at himself in the mirror. :)
Ready for the pool with the Kings!!!
First look at the pool!! 
What happens after a couple hours at the pool every time. :)

What we couldn't live with out: Summer!!! We are loving this weather! And our awesome neighbors, the Kings. :) 

My favorite part of parenting this age: All the new adventures! Seeing him try new things is so fun!

The hardest part of parenting this age: Andrew having such terrible poison ivy for two weeks that he couldn't hold Graham or help at all. :(

I found this picture of me near Graham's age. When I first saw it, I couldn't believe how much it looked like him!! But I had a hard time finding a pic of him that really captured the same look. What do you think? He looked exactly like Andrew's newborn pic's, but lately I think he definitely looks more like my baby pic's.

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