Tuesday, June 4, 2013

G-money's first road trip!!

We finally made it down to Tennessee! Because of all of the crazy-ness with Graham's lack of weight gain, this was our first trip. I was dying to see my family and be in the South again, but we were a little nervous about how G would travel. He likes riding in the car, but the longest he'd ever been at one time was 30 minutes. He surprisingly did great though! I stayed in the backseat with him to help, just in case.

Sweet pea snoozin' away on the car ride.

One of the things I was most excited about was Daniel and Shelby getting to meet Graham for the first time. They've seen G over Skype several times, but this was the first time in person. Shelby LOVES babies, so I couldn't wait to see her interact with Graham, and she did not disappoint. :) It was love at first sight!

Sweet cousins.
This wasn't even posed! She just wanted to kiss him and hold him all the time. :)

Shelby helped me give him every single bottle. :)

She literally couldn't take her eyes off him!
Someone is completely fascinated by their Daddy!

Loving snuggles with Nonnie!

I love my family!
I always wish I'd taken more pictures!
Sorry to everyone I didn't get a shot of. :(
Loved seeing this sweet face on the way back!!!
And G-money became a tummy sleeper on this trip! Before this, he would just scream his guts out when he flipped over in the crib. But he finally learned to go to sleep that way and like it. :) Big lesson learned though when we stayed in TN- I get ZERO sleep with him in the same room as me. Just like the first night in the hospital, I still wake up at his every little noise. And this kid is noisy in his sleep! Not making that mistake again. :)

You can see how much his dark hair has fallen out in this pic!
A blonde fuzz is taking its place. 

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