Friday, December 19, 2014

Owen at 5 months

Weight: First month I don't know his weight! Won't find out til 6 months.

Height: Ditto.

Clothing size: 6 months. Pulled out some 9 month pj's.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Little blonde fuzz is growing!
Feeding: Nursing every 3 hours. Rough schedule- 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm.

Sleeping: Same- sleeping through the night and napping 5 times a day.
Holding hands during diaper changing. 

Milestones: He's rolling from back to belly now, but not belly to back- which is supposed to be easier. Ha. He just hates tummy time so much. He grabs at everything. He laughs all the time. He blows bubbles and drools like crazy so I'm wondering if a tooth is coming soon. :/

Likes:  Still wants to be held all the time. The only way I can put him down is if Graham or I are still giving him attention. He is such a people person... or maybe just spoiled rotten. :) He loves sucking on his fingers/ thumb. He loves watching Graham do anything, and thinks everything he does is hilarious.

Graham likes to give moral support during tummy time-
which sometimes turns into wrestling time.
Dislikes: Tummy time. The carseat. His paci. Not being held.

Adventures: Baptism. First road trip. Thanksgiving. Christmas parade and festival. Music class. Children's museum. 
Owen was baptized in the same onesie that
his father and brother were baptized in.
Love this.
Owen's baptsim

Christmas parade

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. Only way I can get stuff done.

Best part of parenting this age: Some days I crumble, but most days I just want to bottle up their little precious-ness at this age. I really do love it.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Just the neediness of two littles and demands of my body, time, energy, etc. 
The crazy comes out in all of us around 4pm...
Counting down the minutes til Daddy gets home!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

G man at 2 years!

He blew the candle out!
Choo-choo! Graham is 2!
Pre-party reading with Daddy
Broadway babes turn 2.

I got this new format off a website and seems more suited for the toddler stage than my baby stats. :)

Age: 2 Years

Stats: 29 lbs, 4 oz. (50-75th %) and 35" (50-75th %)

Clothes: He's mostly in 2T stuff now, but still some 18 months. 

Favorite Foods: Cheese and any kind of berry. He could live on these things. We have been sneaking in all kinds of veggies through my Deceptively Delicious recipes, but to get him to eat veggies he can see, we usually have to let him have it with a "dip"... He LOVES any kind of dip and will stick any food into barbeque sauce, salsa, hummus, or yogurt. Totally grosses me out, but whatever it takes to get those veggies in him.

Words: His vocabulary is definitely increasing, but he still doesn't have a ton of words. He asks me, "What's that?" about 500 times a day, pointing to random objects around him. "Okay," "again," and "uh-oh" are also repeated a million times a day. Random words like "purple," "Bible," and "spice" crack me up because he says them so clearly. Random. So thankful he can say things like "milk" and "apple" now so I at least know when he's hungry or thirsty.

Activities: Music class. MOPS. Grocery shopping. Children's Museum. Zoo. Playdates.

Favorite Things: BUCKETS. (Pushing them, dumping them, loading things in them, pushing them again... ) Playing/ walking outside. Anything musical- singing songs, musical toys, etc. Chasing/ tickling. He LOVES his teddy bear. Owen. (Melt my heart.) Favorite books are Little Blue Truck, Stinky Face, Snuggle Puppy, Ten Little Fish, and a Big Brother/ Little Brother book. Presh.

Signature Moves: Pushing buckets around. "Okay." Taking a bit of time to warm up to new people/ places. Showing off his dimples.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Connecting/ playing/ giggling with his cousins.

Dad's Proudest Moment: When he climbed out of his crib the day before he turned 2. (Gave Mama a heart attack.)

Owen at 4 Months

Weight: 15 lbs, 13 oz. (50-75th%) This is 5.5 lbs bigger than Graham at this age!!!! Praise Jesus.

Height: 26.5" (95th %) Who is this kid?!!
Tall baby!!

Clothing size: 6 months... But his pj's are getting pretty tight. Probably will move up to 9 months soon! Wow.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Feeding: Nursing every 2.5-3 hours... but a few days ago I started trying to stretch him to every 3 hours, which is only dropping one feeding during the day, but feels tons less consuming.

Sleeping: Sleeping through the night consistently!!!!!!!! Whew. I thought this day would never come. It feels awesome. I feed him the last time at 10pm, put him down around 10.30, and he sleeps til around 6.30am every day now. Praise Jesus. I am a new woman. Napping about 5 times a day.
Napping in the Ergo during a trip to the library.

Milestones: He's trying to roll over but just can't make it yet. He's started to grab at things. Refusing the Cheerios that Graham keeps offering him. (Eek!) And he still smiles, laughs, and coos ALL the time. So stinkin sweet. Our pediatrician couldn't get over what a happy, laughy baby he is. :)

Likes:  Being held all the time. Patty-cake. Baby voice talking/ faces/ attention. Trying to get his fingers in his mouth.

Dislikes: Tummy time. Getting into the carseat. His paci. Graham really likes to find pacis laying around the house and shove them into Owen's mouth. Owen is so chill with everything when it comes to Graham, so he just sits there but as soon as Graham lets go, Owen spits the paci out. 

Tummy time torture. :(
Adventures: Lots of time with family. Music class with big brother. Zoo Boo. Halloween. Big brother's 2nd birthday party (he slept through most of it).

Loving Nonnie time!!

Shelby holding Owen for the first time.
Loved our time with them!!

The boys with Memaw and Pepaw at Zoo Boo. So fun!

Sweet little monkey for Halloween.

Trick or Treating!
It was so cold and rainy we only made it to about 4 houses.

What we couldn't live with out: A million really thick burp cloths. Seriously. I always say my two boys are as opposite as can be- from pregnancy to birth to their newborn habits... But the one thing they have in common so far is spitting up more than a burp cloth, his outfit, and my outfit can handle. We create a mountain of laundry every day and that smell feels permanently stuck in my nostrils. 

Best part of parenting this age: The smiles, giggles, and snuggles. Melts my heart.
I mean...
Hardest part of parenting this age: The fine line between living a sacrificial life and yet not drowning. I want to serve others but caring for two under two is sometimes all I can handle in a day. Sure do love these boys!!!

Dinner at Zoo Boo.
Most mealtimes end up with both boys in our laps.
So glad when Daddy's there to help. :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Owen at 3 months

Weight: 14 lbs, 4.5 oz (This is SUCH an answered prayer and sigh of relief. This was when Graham wasn't gaining weight and we had no idea. So thankful for this healthy boy!)

Height: Not sure this month. Will find out at 4 month checkup.

Clothing size: 3 months... But he's about to need 6 month pajamas- I can barely button them up anymore!

Diaper size: Cloth.

He loves checking himself out in the mirror.

Feeding: Same as last month.. Eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day, and longer at night.

Sleeping: Same- napping about 6 times during the day. I always put him down around 10.30 at night and he makes it anywhere til 3 am or all the way til 6.45am a couple times! Usually around 4 or 5 is normal now. Cannot WAIT til this boy sleeps through the night consistently. But I'm thankful he's helping keep my milk supply up this way at least. 

Milestones: He is a major smiley pants. LOVE his sweet grins and giggles.

Likes: Being held. The swing. The Ergo. Stroller walks. Trying to get his fingers in his mouth.

Dislikes: Tummy time. Getting in the carseat. Getting his diaper changed. Pretty indifferent toward the paci.

Adventures: Playdates. Daddy's birthday. Zoo. Connor Prairie. Fall party. Birthday party. Mommy and Daddy's 3rd anniversary.

Owen and Chet... Besties!

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. The double stroller. 

Best part of parenting this age: Still loving his smiles and giggles and coos. Can't get enough!!

Hardest part of parenting this age: Juggling meeting the needs of a toddler and a newborn... Not to mention my needs of sleep... showering... etc... :)

Loving time with Nonnie!
Owen's 3 month birthday was also our 3 year anniversary!
He joined us on our date.