Wednesday, June 27, 2012

20 weeks- Halfway there!!

I'm so excited to be halfway through my pregnancy! It has flown by so far. I got the idea to track the answers to the same questions every week from another blog. Such a fun way to keep up with what's happening each week...
20 weeks- Baby Boy is the size of a small cantaloupe! 

How far along? 20 weeks.
Total weight gain/ loss? Gained 5 pounds so far.
Maternity clothes? Nope. My clothes are definitely tighter, but still work pretty easily.
Sleep? Sleep is normal, except for my million trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, every night.
Best moment this week? Realizing I'm halfway through the pregnancy!! I still can't believe I'm pregnant half the time. Sooooo thankful to the Lord for my sweet little bun in the oven.
Miss anything? I was practically drooling over a friend's strawberry margarita last weekend. And I miss just not having to ask permission to do fun things. Who knew speed boating was out of the question for pregnant women? Good thing Andrew had me ask my doc.
Movement? Nothing. I am still anxiously awaiting those first flutters!
Food cravings? Always pineapple, all the time, anytime. I think I might have some now.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. So glad that's over.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah! It's been gradual, but I am definitely popping out now.
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? In... I don't think I'll be able to look at it if/when it pops out. Ugh.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy... You probably wouldn't have wanted to be around me during the first trimester most of the time though. :)
Name possibilities? Graham has been my favorite lately, with Eli as a second choice... Andrew is still stuck on John Harrison. Charlotte, the little 3-year-old girl I nanny for, insists I should name him Nemo, after the fish. :)
Looking forward to? My ultrasound next week- I LOVE seeing Baby Boy squirm and kick! And hopefully feeling him move soon!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

19 weeks- Normal life...

I was hoping that my week 19 post would be about feeling Baby Boy move for the first time... but no such luck. Every night Andrew and I lie quietly in bed before we fall asleep, hoping I'll feel something. But every morning when I wake up and look down, I see my bulging belly only getting bigger and know it shouldn't be much longer! This week has been lots of normal life stuff for us: fighting and reconciling, trying to learn and love each other,  and making some memories.     
This past weekend, we saw the movie What to Expect and DIED laughing through most of it. I also cried through a couple parts, but I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones. I'd been wanting to see this movie for months, and it definitely met up to my expectations. Nothing like a good ol' preggo movie to show Andrew I'm not crazy. :) We also celebrated Andrew's first (kind of) Father's Day with pizza and ice cream, his request. He tells me all the time how he wishes it were just November already so Baby Boy would be here! Don't worry, I will make sure to remind him of this during the first few months of sleepless nights. :) But I can't wait to see him be a father; he's going to be awesome!! Andrew checked another house project off his list, and it is my favorite by far: the porch swing!! After he'd painted, assembled, and hung it, I threw on the cute yard sale pillows I'd found, and we sat and swung for hours. Perfect. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

18 Weeks- Baby Bump is officially here!

After a month of my stomach just looking like I'd been eating too much, Baby Boy is finally starting to look like a baby bump! I am obsessed with Pinterest, which is where I saw this cute idea of photographing my pregnant belly with the produce to match the baby's size of the week. Andrew can't wait for my stomach to grow big enough to look like I "stuck a basketball under my shirt," but as long as my little sweet potato baby is healthy, I'm fine with him taking his time showing himself. :)
18 weeks- Baby Boy is the size of a sweet potato!

We have been around several of our friends' young children/ babies a lot lately, and it makes us all the more excited for Baby B to get here! Ashley had sweet Macy Jane two weeks ago, and Betsy's little Hank has about six more weeks to go! I have loved being pregnant with those two girls!! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

17 Weeks- It's a BOY!!!!!

We were beyond excited to find out Baby B is a boy!!! It feels so much more real now, as we pray for our son and talk about raising a man. PDS (the all-boys school I worked at in Memphis) prepared me well, and I can't WAIT to be building boys, making men full-time again!! :) We hit a road block with boys' names even before we conceived and haven't made much progress since. I'm picturing being in labor and Andrew finally giving in to whatever name I want. Ha!
I hope Baby B is JUST like his daddy!!

We conquered two biggies this past weekend- yard sales for baby items and registering! Whew. We hit the jackpot at yard sales and walked away tons of stuff for barely any cash. People, yard sales are where it's at!! And we made it through registering at BuyBuyBaby and Target without any fights. :) Success!!! Baby B, we love getting ready for you and can't wait for you to be here!