Thursday, September 20, 2012

32 Weeks- Am I really 8 months preggo??!!

Check out that belly!!
How far along? 32 weeks. I cannot BELIEVE the end is so close!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!
Total weight gain? 15 pounds. Feeling huge and wondering how my tummy is going to stretch any more to make room for this growing baby! Wow.
Maternity clothes? I definitely took an hour trying on clothes to wear to my baby shower this past weekend. A lot of my normal clothes are just getting too small for my big belly, but a lot of my maternity clothes are still too big. Can I just wear my yoga pants to every occasion on leaving the house... or staying in it?? :)
Sleep? Sleep is just pretty elusive these days. Too uncomfortable to fall asleep, too uncomfortable to stay asleep. Another super painful leg cramp this week in the middle of the night. Boo sleepless nights.
Best moment this week? No more sinus/ allergy congestion!!!!! Baby shower in Andrew's hometown! His sister Kristie did an awesome job. We can't be more grateful for all the precious clothes and baby gear we received! And it was so fun to celebrate little Graham with his family. 

And my sweet friend Laura came to visit!!!! It was so refreshing to hang out and show her the sights. She loves Indiana!! When are you moving here again, Laura?? :)

Miss anything? Being comfortable.
Movement? All.the.time.
Food cravings? Back to pineapple this week!! My acid reflux completely went away when the sinus/ allergy congestion did, so I am inhaling all that acidic pineapple. :) I also have noticed I like meat more now that I'm preggo. My son must be a carnivore like his daddy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? I'm definitely napping a lot now... maybe because I never sleep at night anymore. I also felt pretty weird all weekend- really faint, weak, hot, exhausted. Not sure what was going on. Really missing that easy second trimester...
Have you started to show yet? Mmmmm-hmmm. I dreamed last night someone made a really rude comment about my belly, but no one has said anything mean or awkward in real life to me yet.
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? It's still in, but still making its way out. 
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Not so happy most of the week-- just not feeling good. But the last few days, I've felt much better.
Name possibilities? I can't wait for Graham baby to be here!!!! 
Looking forward to? My last baby shower! Celebrating Andrew's birthday.

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