Monday, September 24, 2012

33 Weeks- Last Baby Shower & Andrew's Birthday

How far along? 33 weeks. Wow.
Total weight gain? 16 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Have I mentioned how much I love my yoga pants? I live in them, with some maternity mixed in with my normal clothes. I got my winter clothes out the other day, since all of a sudden it is FREEZING in Indy! Really excited about being cozy in my hoodies, sweaters, cords, etc. Hope they'll still fit over my belly.
Sleep? Sleep schmeep. 
Best moment this week? Our last baby shower was this past weekend in Indy, and Betsy and Allison did an AMAZING job throwing it. I was blown away by all the details and felt so loved and celebrated. They really should go into party planning. Seriously. I am still overwhelmed.
Me and Betsy
Alikat and me
Some of the sweet details.

Something is seriously in the water on our street! Adrienne is due 2 months after me.
And there are two other buns in the oven on our block, both due within two weeks of me. We love our neighbors!
Emily and I are finishing off the Baby Boom of 2012 in our church. :)
 Austin, Macy, Hank, Graham, and Ryne are all sure to be BFF's. 

We also celebrated Andrew's 29th birthday this past weekend. He wanted something low-key, so we celebrated with baby shopping, Outback, Batman, and my first attempt at gluten-free cupcakes. 

So stinkin glad he was born.
He is really excited about those cloth diapers.

Gluten-free cupcakes= SUCCESS! 

Miss anything? The usual.
Movement? He's a mover all right.
Food cravings? Pineapple, of course... And I've had a major sweet tooth lately. Bring on the sugar at all these showers and birthday celebrations!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? I think I'm starting to slow down in general. I just can't keep going like I used to, so I take breaks on the couch whenever I need to. But overall, feeling much better besides no sleep.
Have you started to show yet? Yeppers.
Labor signs? No. Supposedly I should be feeling false/ practice/ whatever contractions around now, but I haven't yet.
Belly button in or out? It's almost flat now... Eek.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy. 
Name possibilities? Grahaminator. Grahammy Tammy Taffy. Grahammer doodle.
Looking forward to? Not sure if I'm looking forward to camping, but that's coming up... :) Should make for some interesting stories. Andrew's promised me an air mattress and to get up to go to the bathroom with me each time in the middle of the night. So we'll see how that goes... Also, we have officially started on the nursery! By started, I mean we've moved everything out and put down drop cloths to paint... Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll actually have some pictures to post of some progress. :) Our crib is ordered and should be arriving soon. Things are happening, people! Can't wait to really put Grahammer's room together.

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