Tuesday, September 4, 2012

30 Weeks- Let the countdown begin!!

30 Weeks- Graham Baby is the size of a pineapple! Yum. :)

How far along? 30 weeks. Only 10 weeks left! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
Total weight gain? 13 pounds. 

Maternity clothes? I finally busted out some maternity clothes this weekend! And I surprisingly didn't feel frumpy and gross... I even have one pair of maternity capris I love so much I might try to sneak them into my normal wardrobe post-baby. :) 
Sleep? Sleep is just becoming more and more uncomfortable. It's hard to go to sleep, it's hard to stay asleep, and for the first time in my life, getting out of bed in the morning is enjoyable.
Best moment this week? I think being back at The Oaks (a private school in downtown Indy) last week was really great for me. I subbed there two days a week last year (while I nannyed the other three days), and had accepted a full-time job there for this school year-- and then I found out I was pregnant! I decided to stay home with the baby, so I resigned from the position but asked to sub until little Graham makes his appearance. They said they would love to keep me busy until then! :) One of my biggest struggles in moving to Indy and marrying Andrew has been feeling like I moved into "his world"-- his city, his church, his circle of friends, etc. Honestly, I have been fighting against it, wanting to make my own world here, which isn't exactly the picture of a healthy marriage. :) But in any case, The Oaks is so refreshing because it feels a little bit like "my world"... I love the teachers/ administrators, the students, and the vision of the school. It is amazing to be a part of their community and purposes. I love being back in the classroom- I really feel like God wired me up for that! And of course everyone has been so excited to see my belly, since I wasn't showing in May when I saw them last.
Miss anything? Mostly just being comfortable. Sitting or standing for too long is uncomfortable. Trying to share a couch and snuggle with Andrew while watching a movie is uncomfortable. Trying to go to sleep is uncomfortable. Just having a big belly in general makes everything uncomfortable. Ugh. It's worth it, though.
Movement? He sure does love to move. I think I've also started feeling his hiccups. A couple of times this past week, I noticed a steady pulse in my belly that didn't feel like his normal movements. I checked my pregnancy books and favorite websites, and it seems accurate. So funny to feel him hiccup inside me!
Food cravings? I rediscovered pineapple pizza and pineapple juice this week. Oh my.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? Restless legs- which apparently are aggravated by antihistamines in sinus/ allergy medicines. Fabulous. This past weekend brought on a rough bout of major sinus/ allergy congestion issues for me, and the only medicine that I've found to work is apparently making my restless legs worse-- which is just the uncontrollable urge to move my legs, especially at night when I'm sitting or laying down. Just imagine how fun that is to try to go to sleep with! And last night I experienced acid reflux for the first time in my life, which feels as unpleasant as it sounds. Andrew had to take me to get some medicine at 1am just so I could lay down in bed without gagging. Ugh. But did I mention what a good hubby he is to me?? I just love him.
Have you started to show yet? Yep. 
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? It's still making its way out...
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy for little Grahammers. Not so happy being big-bellyed, uncomfortable, congested, and sleep-deprived. Ha. Just preparing me for what's ahead, right?
Name possibilities? Graham Harrison Buckle just has such a nice ring to it. :)
Looking forward to? Childbirth class--eek! Upcoming baby showers. Hopefully getting rid of this sinus/ allergy crap and feeling better!

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