Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12 Weeks with Baby #2!

I didn't start tracking my first pregnancy like this til week 20, but I'm going to start now with week 12 this time around. Can't wait to compare them later... I already know they're so, so different.
12 weeks- Baby #2 is the size of a plum!
How far along? 12 weeks.
Total weight gain? Gained 2 pounds so far. From the baby or from the holidays?! Hard to tell. :)
Maternity clothes? Not yet. I'm too exhausted to go down to the basement and dig through all the boxes... But I have a feeling that won't last much longer. My jeans are soooo tight!!! Don't mind if I do wear my yoga pants as much as possible for now. :)
Sleep? Pretty normal, just waking up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom. 
Best moment this week? Telling everyone!! And finding out several friends are pregnant with me!!
Miss anything? As I copied and pasted this from week 20 with Graham, I see the first thing that's the same-- Definitely missing strawberry margaritas! Ha. I don't even drink them that often, but apparently I always want them when I'm pregnant! 
Movement? Nope. But I heard you feel it earlier with the second, so I can't wait!
Food cravings? Pineapple doesn't sound appetizing at all this time around. But I randomly craved shrimp cocktail for over a month and finally gave in and got some. That's about it so far. I've noticed that oranges do taste especially delicious, though. I eat about two every day.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I felt nauseous almost 24/7 with Graham, but with this one, I usually only feel sick at night, for no apparent reason. Maybe because I'm utterly exhausted by then. We're talking, I want to fall asleep in my dinner plate every night.
Have you started to show yet? Absolutely. Almost immediately after taking the pregnancy test, I felt thicker. In tight shirts, you can definitely tell.
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? In. 
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Pretty moody. :( Emotional and sensitive and all. Sorry Andrew!
Name possibilities? Still brainstorming just a little... Andrew wants to avoid 50% of the fighting by waiting til we know the gender to talk about it seriously. Ha. I do have a girl's name picked out already that we both like... ;)
Looking forward to? My next doctor's appointment. I just always want to hear that baby's doing okay in there.

Similarities in the first trimesters of my 2 pregnancies: 
*Equally as completely exhausted as I can imagine ever feeling, every day. It is apparently mind-boggling exhausting to make a baby!!

Differences in the first trimesters of my 2 pregnancies:
This time around...
*Way less nauseous. I still felt the queasiness, but it was always at night this time, and not every day. With Graham, I felt nauseous almost 24/7.
*Way more emotional. Sensitive, moody, you name it. Sorry Andrew!
*Zits. My face was completely clear for 9 months with Graham. This time, zits! :(
*Obviously showing a lot faster.
*A few others that are TMI on here!

Baby #2, we looooooove you!!

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