Thursday, January 2, 2014


As always, Christmas is really a month-long celebration, as it should be... Here are some highlights. We started with an ugly sweater party...

Memaw and Pepaw came to visit a couple weeks before Christmas... G loved all his snuggles and gifts!

We spent the weekend before Christmas with Andrew's family in Illinois, celebrating with presents and food and announcing our pregnancy! Graham is really into wrapping paper this year, so he loved getting presents... Usually not noticing what was inside, but ripping up all the paper was awesome! :)

Second cousins... typical play time. :)

Lovings from Stacey.

Practicing walking with Aunt Kristie.

All smiles when ripping off the wrapping paper. :)

Bash helping G figure out his awesome new car garage.
Always my favorite date night of the year... White hot chocolate and lights downtown.

Then we spent Christmas day at home, just the 3 of us... We made some sweet memories together and made more Baby #2 announcements. :)

Christmas Eve after an awesome service celebrating Jesus' birth!
Christmas morning..
smiling not because of presents but because he loooooves pulling off his socks lately.

Annual family pic with the carrot. Ha.
This kid has brought us so much joy!!
 Forever thankful to the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. 

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