Thursday, January 2, 2014

Baby #2!!!!!

Here we go again! We are beyond excited that Baby #2 is on the way and are so happy we hit the 12 week mark so we can talk about it now!! It's hard to even put into words, but we are overwhelmed with awe and wonder and gratitude and JOY as God knits this little one inside me!! And I have also been overwhelmed with all that goes with the first trimester of pregnancy, physically and emotionally. :/ I didn't start feeling better until week 14 with Graham, and I am absolutely looking forward to second trimester bliss!! This pregnancy is already sooooo different than the first one for many reasons, so we are convinced it's a girl! Two more months before we find out for sure. :)

Last time around, I took the test by myself and surprised Andrew with the news.
This time, he requested to be in the process, so we found out at the same time. :)

Little stinker cried when I told him the news. Ha!
But apparently his Big Brother shirt helps.

Sweet thing was trying to destroy the ultrasound pic like it was wrapping paper!
Too much Christmas.
But at least he looks peaceful in this shot. :)

This summer baby will put the two siblings at 20 months apart...
Close enough to be good buddies, we hope, and close enough to ensure craziness in our house for a while!! :)

The baby bump showing itself WAY earlier than it did with G!
I'm 12 weeks here, without time or energy to make a cute sign or find the produce matching the baby size. :)
Baby #2 is the size of a plum this week!

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