Monday, July 23, 2012

24 Weeks= 6 Months= Pregnant for 1/2 a Year!!

How far along? 24 weeks.
Total weight gain? Gained 10 pounds so far. Too much at The Cheesecake Factory the other night? Totally worth it.
Maternity clothes? No. But my belly popped out a lot this week. Several people have started making comments that I have a real belly now and that I really look pregnant. Andrew came home from work one day and said I'd grown just that day! Ha.
Sleep? Sleeping is fine, except for last night... after our AC went out. Ugh...
Best moment this week? Having my mom in town! Ron and Connie came to celebrate mine and Mary Leslie's birthdays this past weekend, so it was so fun for us all to be together! We went to the IMA, the Cheesecake Factory, and just hung out. Plus they brought up tons of stuff for Baby B! He is accumulating great baby gear and one adorable wardrobe!! Thanks Mom and Leslie (my sister-in-law)!!
Mom got to feel Baby B kick!!

Andrew, me, Mary Leslie, Heath.
The guys wanted to show off their bellies too. :)

Miss anything? Just the usual- a flat belly, turkey sandwiches, an occasional drink, cute little clothes that fit well, etc, etc.
Movement? He is one wiggly baby... and I love it! 
Food cravings? Pineapple of course. I also have always had a major sweet tooth, but since I've been pregnant, I've been craving more salty things, especially chips.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nada.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah. 
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy most of the time... But I'd been telling Andrew forever all the things I'd read talked about pregnancy hormones and crazy emotions and mood swings, and how he should be so glad I haven't been crazy yet. And then this week I had a couple of meltdowns, so that all went out the window. :) One night I laid in bed crying about feeling fat. Yep, that was a good moment. The other time we were having a semi-stupid fight at dinner and I lost it. Oopsie. Going to play the preggo card on both incidents.
Name possibilities? Still at a standstill. Graham vs. John.
Looking forward to? The Olympics starting...One year anniversary of Andrew proposing... My birthday... Seeing if Emily and one-F Jef last... :)

I just love him.


  1. You have to be the cutest pregnant person I know!
    I think it's funny, I craved pineapple and chips my entire pregnancy with Cole!! Must be a boy thing!

  2. Thanks Hallie! And that's hilarious about the similar cravings! I can put away some pineapple and chips these days. :) Hope you're doing great!
