Wednesday, August 8, 2012

26 Weeks- And his name will be...

26 weeks- Baby B is the size of a cauliflower!!

How far along? 26 weeks.
Total weight gain? Still gained 10 pounds, which is weird because I feel like my belly is growing every day now!!
Exercise? I'm still jogging about once/ week and walking at least three times/ week. I'm really hoping some of this energy will last through the third trimester...
Maternity clothes? Nope... But I couldn't button two of my favorite pairs of shorts the other day. Will probably have to go to the rubber band trick soon. Flowy summer dresses are quickly becoming my best friend. :)
Sleep? Sleep is normal.  
Best moment this week? I love hearing that everything is looking healthy for me and Baby B from my doctor! I got to see his cute little face on the 3D ultrasound, and Dr. Gallagher says everything looks perfect. The New Mom Study ultrasound lady said Baby B has chubby cheeks, and Dr. Gallagher told me last time at my ultrasound there that "he's got a belly!"... I am noticing a trend here. :)
Miss anything? Nothing new.
Movement? Oh boy, does he move!! All the time, sometimes to the point that it's uncomfortable already. Yikes, we still have a long way to go! But I do love it.
Food cravings? As I've been typing, I've put a major dent in a bag of "hint of lime" tortilla chips. Yummmmm. Plus pineapple, of course. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Well I almost passed out when they drew my blood at the New Mom's Study. They had to poke me three times before they could get anything, and then I felt super light-headed and nauseous. Ughhhh. How will I ever give birth??!!
Symptoms? The biggest thing lately has been that I get extremely, uncomfortably full after eating a normal-sized meal, but then am hungry again like an hour or two later. The research suggests that I should be eating 5-6 small meals a day to help with indigestion and heartburn, but that seems so impractical. My back has hurt a little randomly, but it might be from how I'm sleeping. Also, I've been experiencing the "restless legs" syndrome the past few weeks.
Have you started to show yet? Absolutely.
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? Still in but looking pretty weird...
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? So happy Baby Boy is active and growing!
Name possibilities? Drum roll, please... a name has been decided!! It only took us over a year to get here. :) Graham Harrison Buckle it is! Graham means "war-like," and we really want our son to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9) and fight for things that matter. Harrison is a family name on Andrew's side, to give honor to influential people in his life. Andrew surprised me at dinner the other night, saying that he thought we should name him Graham and that he'd been calling our baby that for the last week in his head anyway. We actually made up a silly, fake baby name (that we would never use) soon after we found out that we were pregnant, so we could identify him as something besides "it" from the beginning. Since we've been calling him this fake name for 6 months, it's actually been kinda weird to switch over to his real name! But I love it!! Little Grahammers, you are so loved!! 

Looking forward to? Our first baby shower is this weekend (actually two of them!), and we can't wait to celebrate with people!!

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