Tuesday, August 21, 2012

28 Weeks- 3rd Trimester!

28 Weeks

 How far along? 28 weeks (7 months). Before I got pregnant, I hated calculating the weeks when someone told me how far along they were. But every book, website, doctor, etc, counts it this way, so it's hard not to. I'm now officially in my 3rd trimester. Because of the weird way they count pregnancies in 40 weeks, there are some variations in sources on when each trimester starts. Anyway, by all sources I'm in the home stretch now! Yay!
Total weight gain? 12 pounds. For everyone concerned I'm not gaining weight fast enough, in my last appointment, my doctor said my belly is about to "take off". :)
Maternity clothes? No, but I did have to use the rubber band trick several times this week (to wear my normal pants/ shorts unbuttoned but held up by a rubber band). And my sister-in-law Leslie gave me some unbelievably comfy black yoga pants from Target that I just might live in until Graham comes. They.are.awesome.
Sleep? Sleep is becoming a little more uncomfortable. I wake up more times a night now, needing to go to the bathroom or just not able to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep. My back hurts consistently now at night. Maybe I'm sleeping in the wrong position or my back is just tired after a day of carrying around this extra weight??
Best moment this week? Hmmmm I'm not sure, but I'll tell you what was not the best moment this week... 

Yep. In a mild storm, a huge tree in our backyard was blown over, taking down the power cords from the telephone pole with it from one end and our electrical box attached to our house from the other end. We are so, so thankful God allowed it to fall directly between our house and garage, so no buildings were damaged, but it has been many hours of phone calls and waiting on the power company, electrician, insurance company, etc, etc. And my hubby has been busy chopping up the tree and trying to get our backyard normal again. Oh, the joys of being homeowners.
Miss anything? Being able to bend over easily. This tummy just gets in the way! 
Movement? All.the.time. I had to stop walking in Target yesterday because he was being so aggressive. I keep telling Andrew that little Graham is already living up to his name of being war-like. :)
Food cravings? I'll give you one guess. You won't need two.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? I think just nighttime backaches and restless legs.
Have you started to show yet? My belly is gaining momentum every day! 
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? It's in, but not for long. Still making its journey out...
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy but getting uncomfortable enough I already just want him out. I keep reading these things about how his lungs are fully developed and he could survive on his own now, so why am I here?? Ha. I want him to cook as long as he needs to in my little oven, but still... 
Name possibilities? Graham is becoming more and more normal to say. :)
Looking forward to? Getting our house back to normal!! It is basically a complete disaster. For those of you wondering about the nursery progress, here's what it looks like currently: 

It is basically a storage unit of our office, guest bedroom, and baby room. I couldn't even get inside it to take this picture, because our hallway is just as bad. :) My handyman hubby has been hard at work rewiring our house (it had the old knob and tube wiring) one room at a time, between work and grad school. So our office/ guest room has now been rewired, painted, outlets installed on every wall (a luxury for our 1917 house!), and ceiling fan installed. The picture doesn't really do the paint color justice, but I LOVE this gray-blue color. Thanks to the Lurkers' kitchen, it didn't take me months to decide on the precise color. Thanks Amy! Next step is cleaning up this room and moving everything into it so we can paint baby Graham's room! His walls will be a light ish brown, with navy and light blue decorations. Can't wait to get started!!

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