Thursday, January 31, 2013

1/3 Gluten-Free!

Sausage Potato Bake & Parenthood on Hulu for dinner the other night :)
(Recipe link below)
I remember on our first date Andrew told me he had Celiac's disease (meaning his body can't process gluten) as we tried to figure out where to eat dinner. I'd never heard of Celiac's and spent the our first year of marriage in a crash course learning what that meant and how the heck to cook without gluten. It has definitely helped that the gluten-free diet trend has exploded lately, making resources, grocery stores, and restaurants much more Buckle-friendly. I remember in the airport on our way back from our honeymoon seeing someone reading Wheat Belly in the customs line and still not knowing what I was getting into. I spent HOURS on Google, Pinterest, reading label after label at the grocery store, trying desperately not to poison my husband while still managing something tasty to eat for dinner.

Weekly baking: Banana Chocolate Chip Bread/ Muffins & Homemade Granola Bars
(Recipe links below)

  • Am I gluten-free since Andrew is?
    • I say I'm 1/3 gluten-free since I eat my normal stuff for breakfast and lunch (gluten-filled cereal and sandwiches on wheat bread). We eat dinner together, so it's always gluten-free.
  • Do I feel better since eating less gluten?
    • I honestly can't tell a difference, but since I'm only 1/3 gluten-free, I probably don't have a valid answer. But since stuff like sweets are so much more work--I can't just pour brownie mix into a pan and pop it into the oven; everything has to be made from scratch basically-- I usually decide it's not worth the trouble. :) So I probably am way healthier since I'm a lazy cook!
  • What are your favorite gluten-free resources?
    • Google. Pinterest. 
    • They sell gluten-free products for way cheaper than the grocery store, plus free shipping if you spend enough!
  • Will Graham have Celiac's disease?
    • We won't know until he starts eating solid foods. We will feed him normal stuff until he acts sick, and then that will be the first thing my doctor will check for. I really hope our kids don't have it, but it is hereditary, so there's a good chance they will. Luckily, this disease is easily kept under control simply by eating zero gluten. 
  • What are your favorite gluten-free recipes?

  • Zucchini Lasagna!! Yum!
    (Link below)

  • For dessert, we usually do things that are naturally GF, like ice cream, Puppy Chow, or Rice Krispie treats. But I do have some yummy recipes for brownies, cookies, cakes, etc. if you're interested! Let me know. :)

I am still navigating this GF world, but after a year, I feel like it is totally doable!! I'd love to hear your favorite recipes if you're GF!!

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