Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Grahaminator at 2 months

Weight: 10 lbs, 1 oz. 
Height: 22 and 1/4 inches

Clothing size: Moved from Newborn to 0-3/ 3 months a few days ago. Sad to pack away the NB clothes, but so fun that he gets a new wardrobe every couple of months! I'm pretty jealous.

Diaper size: 1 (We switched to size 1 at about 6-7 weeks. We had planned on starting cloth diapers at 1 month, but we had so many disposable diapers given to us that we're still making our way through them. I'm not complaining since it makes my life way easier. :))

Yawning through Christmas morning.
I love our little family.

Feeding: Nursing did not come naturally for me. I'd heard it was hard, but I was not expecting the pain of a little biter or for it to feel like a full-time job.  I realized that it takes about 30 hours a week to feed this baby! Crazy. But I'm convinced it's the best thing for little Grahammers, so we're plugging along. Any moms out there have suggestions for what to do while nursing? I've been playing on Facebook and Pinterest but am getting bored out of my mind! And I meant to put this in the last post, but I couldn't live without and am still using a shield for my little pirana, and for the first month I constantly wore gel pads. These both were LIFE SAVERS. I've also been trying to get used to pumping so Graham baby can get used to the bottle. The first bottle attempt (at about 3 weeks) was a complete failure, with the milk coming out so fast he looked like he was choking and drowning. A friend gave us the Medela Special Needs Bottle which lets you adjust the speed of the milk flow and has been AMAZING! He's still eating well every 3 hours.

Sleeping: His first night in the crib was awesome, but every night since then has not been so awesome... There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to if he'll have a good night or not. Flip a coin. Most nights this month I got up to feed him around 3am, with random crying before and after that. He's just not a fan of the crib. But... HE SLEPT THROUGH HIS FIRST NIGHT LAST NIGHT!!! Yesssssssss! Hoping this continues... He has also been taking awesome naps in his Rock 'n Play during the day.

Milestones: Better head control. Focusing on our faces, sometimes. First real smiles (I think in response to us, not just gas or randomness)!!! Baby zits clearing up! New year! Sleeping through the night!!!! 

Likes: Snuggling! His elephant activity mat. Tummy time. Riding in his carseat.
Christmas morning snuggles.

Love seeing these two snuggle. :)

Dislikes: Baths. His crib.
He sure knows how to communicate his dislikes. :)
Adventures: Starting Christmas traditions with Mommy and Daddy. Lots of family visiting around Christmas. Lots of playdates with friends. First practical joke- Magi Bombing. Surviving Blizzard 2012 (we just hibernated). New Year's Eve party.

Magi bombed!!
What we couldn't live with out: Daddy being at home the first month (I was seriously spoiled!). Our awesome video monitor (thanks Uma!). BabyWise.. We don't follow it exactly, but definitely for the most part. It has been sooo helpful learning how to schedule his eating, waking, and sleeping schedule. 

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