Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What I'm Reading...

I read What To Expect religiously throughout my pregnancy to figure out what the heck was happening to my body and to know how little Grahammers was developing too, so it seemed natural to continue in the series in referencing What To Expect- The First Year each month. BabyWise is also something I'm continually looking back at, to make sure we're moving in the right direction of Graham's schedule of eating/ waking/ sleeping to be right for his age.

Check out that worn cover of BabyWise!
Okay, okay, it is from a yard sale, but I am CONSTANTLY referencing it. :)
Besides the practical things of keeping our baby nourished, safe, and well-rested, I wanted to start reading some parenting books too, more on the spiritual/ philosophical level. Andrew and I really want our parenting to be gospel-based and grace-driven. There are tons of good books out there, and I have a list of recommendations I'm still going to work through. I started with Shepherding a Child's Heart, mainly because I already had it. :) When I worked in college ministry full-time, we read certain chapters of it one semester as we tried to disciple students by focusing on the heart instead of outward actions. This is how we want to raise little Graham too- getting to the heart-level with him so he can see his need for Jesus and be drawn closer to Him. I desperately want my sweet baby to know His Savior at a young age and grow into a man who worships the Lord...

And I am continually reminded that I need to be experiencing Jesus more in my heart to be able to overflow into Grahammers' life. So I am also reading A Praying Life and Kisses from Katie for my own growth. I read A Praying Life when Andrew and I were dating, and I remember talking to him about it. Now I am re-reading it with our community group from church. We just started, but I am so excited to renew my thoughts about coming to my Father as a needy child in prayer. I know tons of my Memphis friends read Kisses from Katie a few years ago, but I never got a copy of it until now. I basically just wanted a book to read through without really studying it, and randomly grabbed it to give me something to do while nursing. Let me just say, it is AWESOME. It's the true story of a teenage girl from Brentwood, TN, who graduates high school and moves to Uganda to work with children. She ends up adopting 14 little girls and starting a ministry there to provide people basic needs, health care, and to share the love of Christ. I'm not even halfway done with the book yet, but am already becoming increasingly disgusted by my selfish and materialistic heart and increasingly enamored by the love of Christ. I'm serious, this book is good stuff.

Other parenting books that have been recommended to me, and I hope to get around to reading at some point... (This is more for me so I don't have to keep up with my paper list anymore!):

  1. Growing Grateful Kids
  2. Bringing Up Boys- Dobson
  3. Loving the Little Years- Jankovic
  4. Give Them Grace- Fitzpatrick
  5. Grace- Based Parenting
  6. The Mission of Motherhood- Clarkson
  7. Love and Logic, The Early Years
  8. Everyday Talk- Younts
  9. Gospel-Centered Family- Chester
  10. Teach Them Diligently- Priolo
  11. Discipleship in the Home- Friedeman
  12. Treasuring God in our Traditions- Piper
  13. Family-Driven Faith- Baucham
  14. Say Goodbye to Whining- Turansky/ Miller
  15. Future Men- Wilson
  16. Don't Make Me Count to 3- Plowman
  17. Disciplines of Godly Families- Hughes
  18. Duties of Parents- Ryle
  19. Wise Words for Moms- Plowman
  20. The Shaping of a Christian Family- Elliot
  21. A Mother's Heart- Fleming
  22. The Strong-Willed Child
This list mainly came from people's recommendations on a Facebook poll I took, so pass on your suggestions if your favorite book didn't make the list! 


  1. We love Biblical Parenting by Crystal Lutton as well as Heartfelt Discipline by the Clarksons. We definitely follow a graced based discipline approach and embrace the "firm, but kind" mentality when it comes to parenting our kiddos. I think these would fall in line with what you are aiming for.

  2. Wow - that is quiet the book list there! Ryan also read Kisses from Katie - he liked it too. :) Looks like you got some good ones on your list. Let me just say that you gotta put Loving the Little Years somewhere near the top - it will nourish your soul! LOVE that book!! And can I give you one to add? It's called Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony - I really enjoyed it and read it before Braddock came. More so perspective stuff in parenting... less practical - but still great! :)

  3. Sweet! Thank you both so much for your suggestions! I am a total resource hoarder, so I love any new suggestions that could be helpful for parenting! Thank you!!
